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Paul van Kampen

Paul van Kampen is a physics education researcher and associate professor at Dublin City University. He teaches physics to science and physics students and physics and mathematics teachers. Paul’s main…

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Renee Paulraj

Renee Paulraj is the recipient of the Fulbright Frederick and Anna Douglass Award focused on the themes of social justice and civil rights. Renee is passionate about civil rights and…

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Kevin Rafter

Kevin Rafter is Professor of Political Communication at Dublin City University where he has been Head of the School of Communications and Associate Dean for Research. He has published extensively…

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Niamh Hetherington

As an entrance scholar at Dublin City University Niamh Hetherington graduated with a first-class honours Bachelor of Education degree. She is a primary school teacher and taught in Gaelscoil na…

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Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile

Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile is from Spiddal, Co. Galway. She attended Dublin City University, where she studied the Bachelor of Education. Caoimhe has a keen interest in drama, debating and music;…

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Conchobhar Mac Giolla Bhríde

Conchobhar Mac Giolla Bhríde graduated from St Patrick’s College with a Bachelor of Education with Gaeilge in 2018. Further to this, he holds a Master of Education in School Leadership…

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Emer Maguire

Emer Maguire is a Primary School Teacher, having received her Bachelor of Education degree in 2018 from St. Patricks College, DCU. She has been teaching in Ardee, Louth since she…

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Niamh Murray

Niamh Murray holds a Bachelor of Education Degree from Dublin City University. As part of her Erasmus to Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, she provided Irish classes to international…

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Aaron Gallagher

Aaron Gallagher is a PhD student at Dublin City University’s School of Communications. His PhD investigates the relationship between sporting organisations, athletes and the media. As a Fulbright awardee at…

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