OUR Alumni
Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile
Award: Fulbright FLTA
Institution: Dublin City University
Year: 2023
Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile is from Spiddal, Co. Galway. She attended Dublin City University, where she studied the Bachelor of Education. Caoimhe has a keen interest in drama, debating and music; interests which were cultivated and fostered through Irish. Caoimhe has been partaking in various competitions at Oireachtas na Samhna since childhood and has had poetry and articles published in DCU’s magazine, ‘Scáthán’. As a teacher, Caoimhe is always seeking creative and memorable ways of encouraging children to speak Irish as well as inspiring an appreciation of the language and culture. She will be working as an FLTA in Connecticut.
Is as an Spidéal i gContae na Gaillimhe do Chaoimhe Ní Chonghaile. D’fhreastail sí ar Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath, áit a ndearna sí staidéar ar mhúinteoireacht bunscoile. Tá an-suim aici i gcúrsaí drámaíochta, díospóireachta agus ceoil; suim a cothaíodh tríd an nGaeilge. Tá sí ag glacadh páirte i gcomórtais éagsúla ag Oireachtas na Samhna ó bhí sí ina páiste agus foilsíodh cuid dá píosaí filíochta agus iriseoireachta in iris ‘Scáthán’ Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Mar mhúinteoir Gaelscoile, bíonn Caoimhe i gcónaí ag smaoineamh ar bhealaí taitneamhacha suntasacha leis an nGaeilge a chur i mbéal na bpáistí agus grá do theanga agus do chultúr na hÉireann a spreagadh iontu. Beidh sí ag obair mar FLTA i Conneticut. Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile is from Spiddal, Co. Galway. She attended Dublin City University, where she studied the Bachelor of Education. Caoimhe has a keen interest in drama, debating and music; interests which were cultivated and fostered through Irish. Caoimhe has been partaking in various competitions at Oireachtas na Samhna since childhood and has had poetry and articles published in DCU’s magazine, ‘Scáthán’. As a teacher, Caoimhe is always seeking creative and memorable ways of encouraging children to speak Irish as well as inspiring an appreciation of the language and culture. She will be working as an FLTA in Connecticut.