The Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program was set up by Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946 and is the largest U.S. international exchange program in the world. The Fulbright Program is an international academic exchange program founded in 1946 with an ambitious goal — to increase mutual understanding and support friendly and peaceful relations between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Today, the U.S. government oversees an extensive suite of fellowships and scholarships in partnership with more than 160 countries worldwide.
The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
2024 was a significant year for the Fulbright Program. Fulbright launched several new partnership programs, working together with governmental and non-governmental agencies to offer unique research opportunities in exciting fields.
Fulbrighters continued to advance knowledge and address global challenges; many achieved new positions of leadership, and others had their work recognized with national awards in the arts, science, and the humanities.
Fulbright marked a number of milestones in 2024, including the passing of several members of our global community whose impact on the world has been immeasurable. There have also been opportunities for celebration.
The professionals, students, artists, organizations, and alumni who make up the Fulbright community demonstrate their commitment to the values of the program through their collaborative work and in their service to others.
Learn about the Fulbrighters honoured with the Guggenheim Fellowship Award in 2024.
Fulbright 2023 Year in Review
In 2023, Fulbrighters achieved distinction in their fields, made contributions to science and culture, and built and enriched local, regional, and global communities. Read how Fulbrighters addressed global challenges, championed arts and culture, inspired others through teaching and public service, advanced diversity and inclusion, and celebrated important milestones and achievements.
Fulbrighters Named 2023 Guggenheim Fellows
The Guggenheim Foundation recognized 14 Fulbrighters for their contributions to scholarship and the arts. Fulbrighters to Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, India, Ireland, Mexico, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam, and one Fulbrighter from Canada were recognized as musicians, artists, writers, and scholars.
The Guggenheim Fellowship is a prestigious award recognizing mid-career scholars, writers, artists, and scientists. Fourteen Fulbright Alumni were recognized with a Guggenheim Fellowship this year, for their scholarship, creative ability, and potential to make an impact in their respective field.
The Fulbrighters who received the award came from a diverse range of fields and interests. For some, the Fulbright Program sparked an early career-launching experience or inspired a life-long passion, while for others, Fulbright provided an opportunity to share their expertise and connect with students and colleagues in their host country. All have drawn on these valuable international perspectives as they contribute to their fields and make an impact on the world.
Roger Rosenblatt, Ph.D. (1965 Fulbright U.S. Student to Ireland) is an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning author, essayist, and playwright who speaks and writes frequently about the art and craft of writing, free speech, and the power of books. He has been a longtime essayist for Time Magazine and PBS. He used his Fulbright to study literature in Ireland in 1965 and was the youngest dean in the history of Harvard, before becoming a professional writer and literary editor for The New Republic. His work has been published in 14 languages.
Dr. Rosenblatt was featured on the occasion of Fulbright’s 75th anniversary in 2021—in an interview featuring the role of Fulbright in the arts, Dr. Rosenblatt said, “Fulbright is important for everything and certainly is indispensable in terms of the arts. The idea that you can travel someplace and experience the art which is the heart of another country is inimitable.” He also took part in a webinar “The Writing Life,” where he connected his experience on the Fulbright Program with the art of writing and his storied career.
Learn about the Fulbrighters honoured with the Guggenheim Fellowship Award in 2023.