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Niall Páirc

Niall Páirc graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a degree in Irish. Since then he has worked in Irish-medium education as a classroom assistant and language assistant, while pursuing an…

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Niamh Hetherington

As an entrance scholar at Dublin City University Niamh Hetherington graduated with a first-class honours Bachelor of Education degree. She is a primary school teacher and taught in Gaelscoil na…

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Seán Ó Coistealbha

Seán is a native of An Spideal, Connemara. Graduate in Irish/ history from Galway University. A Teacher in Dublin 79/80. Worked as language/cultural officer with Udaras na Gaeltachta 80/81. Seán…

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Shauna Ní Dhochartaigh

Shauna Ní Dhochartaigh is a 4th year BA Gaeilge and History student at the University of Galway. A native of Rann na Feirste, in the heart of the Donegal Gaeltacht,…

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Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile

Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile is from Spiddal, Co. Galway. She attended Dublin City University, where she studied the Bachelor of Education. Caoimhe has a keen interest in drama, debating and music;…

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Conchobhar Mac Giolla Bhríde

Conchobhar Mac Giolla Bhríde graduated from St Patrick’s College with a Bachelor of Education with Gaeilge in 2018. Further to this, he holds a Master of Education in School Leadership…

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Eibhlín Seoige NicCormaic

Eibhlín NicCormaic graduated from Queen’s University Belfast with a degree in Irish. Throughout the past year she has spoken on her undergraduate dissertation research at a number of conferences, including…

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Annie Mary Jowett

Annie received a Bachelor of Arts in Irish and French at QUB, in 2019. Awarded the Dr Noel J Hamilton Prize for Irish and Celtic Studies, she undertook postgraduate research,…

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Abaigéal Drummy

Abaigéal Drummy graduated with a first-class honours degree in Applied Languages from the University of Limerick in 2022. During her time at the university, she was elected as the President…

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