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Niamh Murray

Niamh Murray holds a Bachelor of Education Degree from Dublin City University. As part of her Erasmus to Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, she provided Irish classes to international…

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Eimear Ní Mhaoláin

Eimear Millane graduated with a 2.1 Bachelor of Education degree from Mary Immaculate College, Limerick in 2019. She is a primary school teacher in Bunscoil Bhrí­de in Co. Kildare where…

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Sarah Gallagher

Sorcha Ní­ Ghallachóir was born and raised in the heart of the Gaeltacht in Gaoth Dobhair, Co. Donegal. She is a native Irish speaker who achieved an Honours Bachelor degree…

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Alswyn Hennessy Doyle

As an entrance scholar at Maynooth University Alswyn graduated with a first-class honours BA in Nua-Ghaeilge and Media Studies. While there, she was Vice-President and Secretary of Ireland’s oldest Irish…

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Clíodhna Ni Chorrain

Clí­odhna Ní Chorráin graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2019 with a first-class honours degree in Irish and Spanish. As part of her degree, she spent a year teaching English…

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Cailín Fox

Cailí­n Fox is currently a Drama and English teacher in Coláiste Feirste, Belfast and has experience teaching in both Primary and Secondary Education. Cailí­n completed her BEd Degree in St.…

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Darragh Ó Caoimh

Darragh Ó Caoimh is a 4th year Law and Irish (BCLGA) student in University College Cork and a native of Kanturk, Co. Cork. He was awarded the Dr. H H…

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Eilís Ní Iarlaithe

Eilí­s Ní­ Iarlaithe is a native Irish speaker from Baile Mhúirne in the Múscraí­ Gaeltacht. Eilí­s completed a Bachelor of Education with a specialism in the Irish arts in Mary…

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Emma Byrne

Emma Byrne is a final year student of a BA in Applied Languages (with Irish, French and Spanish) at the University of Limerick. She spent time teaching English in Spain,…

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Hannah Collins

Hannah graduated with a first-class honours BA in Music and Irish from UCC in 2019, where she attended on a full Quercus Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship. She went on…

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