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  • Students, postgraduates or professionals
  • 10 months
  • Ireland to U.S.
  • Must be an Irish Citizen, or E.U./U.K. citizen living in the Republic of Ireland for the past 5+ years


The Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship (FLTA) Awards are grants for Irish citizens, or E.U./U.K. citizens resident in Ireland for 5+ years, to teach Irish and take classes at a U.S. college over the course of ten months.
For all grants, the Fulbright Commission is seeking excellent applicants with strong leadership potential and a commitment to the ethos of being a Fulbrighter.


  • Must be an Irish citizen or, alternatively, an E.U/U.K. citizen living in the Republic of Ireland for the last 5+ years
  • U.S.-Irish dual citizens, green card holders, or current U.S. residents are ineligible. Preference will be given to candidates who do not have extensive experience of the U.S.
  • Must have a primary degree prior to departure
  • Must have Irish language teaching experience or qualification
  • Competency in the Irish language is essential
  • Leadership qualities and potential are essential
  • Must have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Fulbrighter


-> Closed for applications


  • Monetary grant to cover the ten-month grant period, plus accident and emergency insurance, cultural and professional programming, and J-1 visa administration. Funding is comprised of host institution supports (e.g. monetary, housing) and a monetary grant calculated through the U.S. Dept. of State approved monthly rates and travel costs.
  • Successful applicants will be matched with a suitable host institution in the USA. Candidates must be willing to accept placement at the U.S. institution offered. If the successful applicant turns down the offered placement, there will not be a second offer.
  • This grant is sponsored by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and the National Lottery.


  • All successful applicants must comply with the two-year home rule, which means that awardees will not be eligible for U.S. residency or a visa until the two-year home rule in Ireland is complete.

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