OUR Alumni
William Kinsella
Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award
Institution: University College Dublin
Year: 2023
Dr William Kinsella is a qualified teacher, special education teacher and educational psychologist. He is a lecturer at Associate Professor level at University College Dublin (UCD), where he is involved in the professional education of teachers, special education teachers, educational psychologists, school leaders and special needs assistants. He assumed the role of Head of UCD School of Education in 2019. In relation to the Fulbright award, he will be hosted in Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. The focus of his research is ‘Multiculturalism, Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education’. The aim of the research is to identify the barriers to, and the facilitators of, the effective inclusion of migrant students with additional educational needs in education systems, and in regular classrooms where possible, with a particular focus on implications for initial teacher education and for the professional education of educational psychologists, special education teachers and special needs assistants.