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OUR Alumni

Sharon Feeney

Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award

Institution: TU Dublin

Year: 2022

Dr Sharon Feeney is a Senior Lecturer in Technological University, Dublin with over 30 years’ experience in the Irish higher education sector. She is a Chartered Director, and is a Board member (non-executive) of the Higher Education Authority (2016-2023). She is also a Board member (non-executive) of the Education Research Centre (2021-2026) and a Board member of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2019-2023).

Sharon has published numerous book chapters and journal articles on the area of Higher Education Policy, Public Accountability and Governance, Student Experience in Higher Education, Gender Equality, Enterprise and University Relationships, Higher Education Organisation Design, Culture and Structures. She is currently investigating the career pathways of academic staff in university level institutions, with particular focus on practice-focused pathways for those who are principally engaged in the external engagement activities.

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