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OUR Alumni

Rose Higgins

Award: Fulbright Irish Student Award

Sponsor: Notre Dame

Institution: University College Dublin

Year: 2022

Rose Higgins is a graduate of University College Dublin, having completed her Bachelor of Civil Law Degree with a minor in politics in 2021. A passionate advocate for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, upon graduation Rose took up a position with the Irish Refugee Council, supporting the organisation’s response to the crisis in Afghanistan. As a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Rose intends to undertake research on the role of visa law and policy in the context of family reunification in the wake of humanitarian emergencies. She hopes to demonstrate the capacity of compassionate visa policy to contribute to multifaceted and effective responses to disasters and to the establishment of safe and legal pathways to safety. Rose is very excited to join the human rights community of Notre Dame, a community which is at the forefront of human rights advocacy and research.

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