OUR Alumni
Richard Hogan
Award: Fulbright Irish Student Award
Institution: Trinity College Dublin
Year: 2020
Richard Hogan is a systemically trained Family Psychotherapist registered with The Family Therapy Association of Ireland. He is also a schoolteacher and lecturer. He writes every Thursday for the Irish Examiner where he explores mental health issues for teenagers, couples and families. He recently published a book called ‘Parenting the Screenagers’. It is a practical guide for parents of the modern child. As a Fulbright Student to Antioch University Seattle, Richard will carry out research in how to promote inclusion in the Irish and American educational system. His research intends to explore the intersection of systemic theory with educational pedagogy with a view to developing a module for the teacher-training programme. Richard is often invited on to programmes such as the Hard Shoulder with Ivan Yates Newstalk, The Today Show RTÉ’s and Sunday am Virgin Media as an expert in the field of human behaviour where he offers his expertise and strategies on how to over-come teenage mental health issues.