OUR Alumni
Michael Daly
Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award
Sponsor: TechImpact
Institution: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Year: 2023
Dr Michael Daly MA MD PhD FRCP FACC is an academic and non-invasive cardiologist whose interests include multimodality cardiovascular imaging, electrocardiography, and the education of multidisciplinary teams and medical students. In 2022, he was named ‘Most Innovative Teacher of the Year’ at the Times Higher Education Awards in London, UK for his post-doctoral work that improved education and learning in clinical cardiology through whole-task hybrid simulation. Dr Daly holds an MA in Creative Writing focusing on drama, an MD in Medical Education and Simulation, and a PhD in Cardiology where he sought to improve the diagnostic accuracy of standard electrocardiography in patients with acute myocardial infarction. He is awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Stanford University Medical School in California, USA to develop a Narrative-based Medicine educational programme using simulation. Dr Daly is a Fellow of both the Royal College of Physicians in London and the American College of Cardiology.