OUR Alumni
Joelle Jackson
Award: Fulbright U.S. Student Award
Sponsor: University College Dublin
Institution: Indiana University Bloomington
Year: 2024
Joelle Jackson graduated summa cum laude with university and departmental honors from Indiana University Bloomington. A Wells Scholar, she pursued majors in Anthropology and Folklore and Ethnomusicology—successfully defending honors theses in both departments—as well as an individualized minor in Social Science Research Methods. Her research focuses on the intersections of material culture, economic anthropology, semiotics, and communication. She is passionate about public and participatory ethnography and has interned with state and national cultural heritage research centers. As a Fulbright Scholar at University College Dublin, Joelle will pursue an MA in Irish Folklore and Ethnology. She hopes to conduct oral history research with recent immigrants in urban Ireland. She is also eager to continue working with materials in the National Folklore Collection, where she conducted research for her BA thesis in folklore studies.