OUR Alumni
Jessica O’Neill
Award: Fulbright Irish Student Award
Institution: Trinity College Dublin
Year: 2023
Jessica O’Neill is a graduate of Law from Trinity College Dublin. While at Trinity, Jessica was elected the Auditor of the Trinity College Dublin Law Society. After university, Jessica trained to be a solicitor with McCann FitzGerald LLP. During her traineeship, Jessica completed a secondment with the Data Protection Commission and she was an Editor with the Hibernian Law Journal. Jessica was admitted as an attorney-at-law in the State of New York in September 2022 and she was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in Ireland in May 2023. Jessica will be attending Harvard Law School to undertake an LL.M. focusing on constitutional and regulatory law. Jessica has a keen interest in the right to privacy, which she plans to develop at Harvard. On her return, Jessica hopes to contribute her deeper understanding of these areas of law to successful private practice and committed public service in Ireland.