OUR Alumni
Jane Lucey
Award: Fulbright Irish FLTA Award
Institution: Mary Immaculate College
Year: 2020
Jane NàLuasa is a native Irish speaker from the renowned beauty spot of Gougane Barra in the MúscraàGaeltacht where her family owns and runs Gougane Barra Hotel. Jane completed a Bachelor of Education at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick in 2018. She was an active member and chairperson of the college’s Cumann Gaelach. As part of her undergraduate degree, she was afforded the opportunity to attend Loyola University in Chicago where she gained valuable insight into their education system through teaching at local elementary schools. Jane now teaches in Gaelscoil Dhroichead na Banndan, an Irish medium primary school in her native Cork. As a Fulbright FLTA, she will teach the Irish language and take classes at the University of Montana.