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OUR Alumni

Holly English

Award: Fulbright Irish Student Award

Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency

Institution: University College Dublin

Year: 2020

Holly English is a PhD student in the Laboratory of Wildlife Ecology and Behaviour, University College Dublin. Previously, she completed an undergraduate degree in Zoology at Trinity College Dublin and a research master’s in Bioscience at Swansea University. Holly has also worked as a research assistant for the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and Royal Veterinary College. Her doctoral research is funded by the Irish Research Council and focuses on using animal-borne sensors to investigate the energetics associated with predation in the canid family. As a Fulbright-EPA Student Awardee to the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Washington D.C., Holly will deploy accelerometer and magnetometer-equipped collars on coyotes (Canis latrans) to quantify their behaviour and foraging strategies with management implications for mitigating human-wildlife conflict.

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