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OUR Alumni

Daniel O’Reilly

Award: Fulbright Irish Student Award

Institution: University College Dublin

Year: 2023

Dr. Daniel O’Reilly is a General Paediatric Higher Speciality Trainee and Irish Clinical Academic Training (ICAT) fellow from University College Dublin. Currently a first year PhD student in the UCD Conway SPHERE research group, Daniel’s research is focused on harnessing platelet activation to identify preterm babies who will develop infections. Daniel has previously completed a BSc in Human Health and Disease in Trinity College Dublin, Medicine in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and an MSc in Child Health and Paediatrics in Imperial College London.

As a Fulbright awardee Daniel will travel to Professor Craig Morrell’s lab at the University of Rochester. Daniel will aim to explore the impact of platelet biology on neonatal lung disease as well as gain experience with new experimental models. Daniel is excited at the opportunity to also develop cross Atlantic collaborations centred on neonatal platelet biology.

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