OUR Alumni
Brian Hand
Award: Fulbright Irish Scholar Award
Sponsor: EPA
Institution: Munster Technological University
Year: 2023
Dr Brian Hand is a Fulbright-EPA Scholar. Dr Hand graduated with a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from MTU and was awarded a PhD without corrections in Mechanical Engineering in 2018. This research focused on the aerodynamic design and optimisation of an offshore floating H-type VAWT. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were utilised with high-performance computing to successfully predict VAWT performance. Dr Hand was awarded the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Best Project Bronze Medal in recognition of his academic achievement. Dr Hand joined the MaREI Research Centre at University College Cork as a Research Engineer in 2019. They worked on both European and national-funded research projects focused on the design of new renewable energy technologies. In 2020, Dr Hand joined MTU as a Lecturer and teaches a broad range of modules across the discipline of mechanical engineering. Dr Hand is a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority and is currently completing a MA in Teaching and Learning. Dr Hand will travel from Munster Technological University in Ireland to attend Stanford University.