OUR Alumni
Dr Tammie Bolling
Award: Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award
Sponsor: LYIT
Institution: Pellissippi State Community College
Year: 2022
Dr. Tammie Bolling is a tenured professor and holds the Computer Information Technology Chair position at Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) in Knoxville Tennessee (USA). She is a 2022 Fulbright recipient to Atlantic Technological University in Ireland, where she will be guest lecturing in Digital Healthcare, Master of Research True Research, Big Data Analytics, BSc (Hons) Healthcare Innovations and Technology programs, consulting with various organizations, conducting research, and guest speaking at other universities in Ireland. Dr. Bolling is also a PSCC Mobile Fellow and an avid mobile technology researcher. She has previously designed various courses to be delivered via mobile technologies. Dr. Bolling constantly reviews and tests technologies to be used in a wide variety of instructional and business settings.