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The Fulbright Commission and the National University of Ireland are delighted to offer for competition a post-doctoral level scholar award for early career researchers, to enable them to complete post-doctoral or professional research or lecturing in the United States for a period of maximum 7-months.

Applicants can choose one of the following three categories of Fulbright-NUI Scholar Award:

  1. LECTURING: If the primary purpose of the project is to teach or team-teach at least one full semester course, applicants will be required to submit course syllabi.
  2. RESEARCH: If the primary purpose of the project is to conduct research, applicants will be required to submit a research bibliography.
  3. LECTURING/RESEARCH: If the project will include significant portions of both lecturing and research as defined above, candidates will be required to outline both activities in their project statement, as well as submit course syllabi and a research bibliography.


  • Must be holders of one of the following: an NUI degree, a PhD or a Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by a constituent university i.e. UCD, UCC, University of Galway, Maynooth University or another NUI member institution no earlier than 5 years previously;
  • Must be an Irish citizen, or an E.U./U.K. citizen who has lived in the Republic of Ireland for 5+ years;
  • Must possess leadership qualities and potential;
  • Should have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Fulbrighter;
  • Must not be a dual U.S.-Irish citizen, green card holder, currently living in the U.S., or already have extensive experience of studying or living in the U.S.

In addition, applicants must demonstrate academic and personal excellence, a strong rationale for going to the United States, a robust programme of research and/or lecturing, and an understanding and commitment to the ethos of being a Fulbrighter.

Please note: Permanent members of staff of the NUI constituent universities, other NUI member institutions, or other higher education institutions are not eligible to apply for this award.


-> Closed for applications


Monetary grant, plus accident and emergency insurance, cultural and professional programming, and J-1 visa administration.


All successful applicants must comply with the two-year home rule, which means that awardees will not be eligible for U.S. residency or a visa until the two-year home rule in Ireland is complete.

Recipients of these awards may be invited to participate in research events seminars or other promotional activities organised by the National University of Ireland.


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