Minister Martin announces new funding for professionals in creative and culture sectors in Ireland to visit the USA

Artist Brian Maguire is a 2020-2021 Fulbright Irish Scholar (All Disciplines) to the Missoula Art Museum. Picture Conor McCabe Photography
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, Catherine Martin T.D., launched a new Fulbright-Creative Ireland Professional Fellowship, encouraging Ireland-U.S. collaborations in the culture and creative sector.
These Fellowships offer a unique opportunity for passionate and accomplished people working in creative and cultural professions in Ireland to visit the USA for a 3-6 month period from August 2021 – August 2022, to undertake research and engage with U.S. peers. Any travel undertaken as part of this scheme will be done in line with the prevailing advice in relation to COVID 19 restrictions.
Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, Catherine Martin T.D. said:
“The intrinsic value of culture has always been at the forefront of Irish-U.S. relations. The new Fulbright-Creative Ireland Professional Fellowships encourage enhanced dialogue between our two nations. The successful Fellows will bring their skills to U.S. organisations, and return home bringing new insights and ideas.”
The Fulbright Awards aim to forge lasting international connections, counter misunderstandings and help people work together toward common goals. The Creative Ireland Programme partnered with the Fulbright Commission in Ireland to present these Fellowships in addition to the three existing Fulbright Creative Ireland Museum Fellowships for students.
Successful candidates receive a significant monetary grant, accident and emergency insurance, visa administration, cultural and professional programming, and introduction to a vast international professional and academic network. Applicants can choose which organisation they wish to visit – prospective hosts may include, but are not limited to, third level institutions, cultural and creative organisations and government agencies.
Professionals with seven years’ experience in the creative, cultural and heritage fields are eligible to apply. The application period will open on 31 August 2020 with a closing date of 2 November 2020. Further information on eligibility criteria and proposal preparation can be found at
The Director of the Creative Ireland Programme, Ms Tania Banotti, said: “These Awards give Irish based artists, creators and cultural professionals the opportunity to make connections in the USA. Such exchanges provide huge potential for professional and personal growth, serving to invigorate and build lasting transatlantic relationships.”
The Director of the Fulbright Commission in Ireland, Dr Dara Fitzgerald, said: “Since 2018, the Fulbright Creative Ireland Museum Fellowships for Students have seen eight PhD candidates undertake valuable research at the Smithsonian, Harry Ransom Center and Exploratorium. Our programmes continue to focus on diversity, inclusion and equity, enriching Awardees’ careers and supporting them to make meaningful contributions in the U.S. and at home. This new offering of Fulbright-Creative Ireland Professional Awards provides an exceptional opportunity for experienced professionals in Ireland.”
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For the Creative Ireland Programme:
Dairne O’Sullivan
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Notes to Editor:
The Fulbright Program was set up by Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946 and is the largest and most prestigious U.S. international exchange program in the world. It offers opportunities for educational exchange in over 165 countries worldwide. The Fulbright Commission in Ireland annually awards grants for Irish citizens to study, research or teach in the United States and for Americans to do the same in Ireland. Since its formation more than 2500 postgraduate students, scholars, professionals and teachers have participated in the program between the U.S. and Ireland. The Fulbright Commission in Ireland is a bilateral partnership supported by the U.S. Department of State and the Irish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Its funding is derived from Irish and U.S. governments, higher education institutions, public agencies, organizations and donations. It is also a registered charity.
The wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland is the most valuable asset that we possess as a nation. The Creative Ireland Programme is an all-of-Government, culture-based initiative designed to promote individual, community and national wellbeing. The core proposition is that participation in cultural activity drives personal and collective creativity, with significant implications for individual and societal wellbeing and achievement. It is built around five pillars: Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child; Enabling Creativity in Every Community; Investing in our Creative and Cultural Infrastructure; Ireland as a Centre of Excellence in the Creative Industries; Unifying our Global reputation.