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OUR Alumni

DeAnna Boyer

Award: Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship

Institution: Ringling College of Art and Design

Year: 2022

DeAnna Boyer is a 2022 graduate from Ringling College of Art and Design and was awarded the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship where she will complete her MA in Art and Ecology at the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan, Ireland. Her research and illustrations will focus on the interconnected nature between Irelanda€™s diaspora and the ever evolving ecological landscapes. Her project will capture the urgency to protect the fragile ecosystems such as those along the shorelines, in the peatlands, and in the farm fields. Through the interdisciplinary study of both art and science, she will illustrate a book that explores the history, culture, stories, and ecological diversity of Ireland to reconnect the people of Irish culture back to their roots in nature.

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